March Break in Ontario

No one in Ontario really wants to remember this winter but I don’t really have anything else to write about and it really has been an epic winter. We had another snowfall yesterday that was deep enough that the snowplows had to come out again and do the driveway and the road. We are now […]

Chaoyang Park and Solana

It was a busy second week with my Director visiting and the semester in full force. Student behaviour, academic concerns and various new initiatives kept the week moving forward. As the weekend approached I needed a plan. I do not like to be idle on my days off. Wendy gave me a few ideas and […]

Week Two in China

Well I am into week two and feeling quite good about my transition back. School at this point in the semester is running smoothly. My newly hired teacher is working out well and things seem to be falling into place. My director is present and I am getting good feedback. My vpn is down but […]