Summer fun has begun

Enjoyed the weekend in Toronto visiting with Nick. Managed to see Peter Hodgson, Kieran, Susan, Pat, Rebecca and Logan. All seemed in good spirits and taking life in stride. Friday evening Nick and I went up the CN Tower and enjoyed the view from high above TO until the sunset and then Saturday night we […]

The End Is Near

My first year abroad is almost complete. I have a few responsibilities typical of a High School and then I will be on my way home July 1st. The only new experience to report is I am a musician at a local bar. Bull Bar is located within my apartment complex and I asked if […]

June in Ontario

So today is the day that the weather will change supposedly. We have been putting up with very chilly weather for May and June. Furnaces are kicking on and people are still wearing their fall clothing as if we are starting a new school year as opposed to ending one. School trips and track meets […]