The Road Diverges

Wendy is now safe at home. Her travels were not easy but well planned. As I write this blog she is in the final stages of her quarantine and doing well. She is thrilled with the house!!

I am now navigating China on my own. My first week was spent on holiday and I had time to climatize myself to living alone. I did this by visiting our same old sites in Binhai, Tianjin city and took the train to Beijing to fill my week. Rather than tax a taxi to Eco-City Park I road my bike. A nice day for a ride. Eco-City is a very new upscale suburb of Tianjin that is very eco-friendly with new buildings and malls. The park is very large, beautiful and is still under construction.

Mybtrip to Beijing was just for the day but I took a lot in. Here are some of the sites I visited.

There is a story with my final visit at this most popular China tourist site The Forbidden City that I shall only state in conversation.