June in Ontario

So today is the day that the weather will change supposedly. We have been putting up with very chilly weather for May and June. Furnaces are kicking on and people are still wearing their fall clothing as if we are starting a new school year as opposed to ending one. School trips and track meets have started and we are winding down and playing outside more often and going for nature walks. Our school is still under major construction as they now work on the daycare and parking lot. Patience is a virtue that has been tested this year for sure at our school.

Personally I have not changed my routine much but have started to walk more and bike more due to the bike challenge I have taken up. Admittedly I haven’t done many kilometers but will kick it up a notch when the 20 degree weather is really here. Walking in Carleton Place along the water has become a ritual and my new development is moving the trailer to Tranquil Acres on the Mississippi across from Glen Isle where I grew up. I am looking forward to kayaking around the area and biking to town for supplies. We are really scaling down come July 8th.

The view of our very wet back yard
Finally a sunny day
Spring on the front porch