November News

So as we reach mid November we are trying to remain in the moment and try not to get too caught up in the ‘stirrings’ of Christmas at home. We went out with our new friends, Brian and Adrian and we went to a Korean BBQ and left the ordering to Brian. Previous to going out for dinner, Adrian and I indulged in a pedicure. We were attended to by two very sweet ladies and we chatted as best we could with them and enjoyed each other’s company as well. Unfortunately for me, Adrian headed home to Texas shortly after our day out but we will see her again early in the New Year.

Clear days have followed a few ‘murky’ days so we have been able to get out in the evenings for nice walks. This past weekend we joined up with Ash on Friday night for what we call a Chinese BBQ at John’s favorite establishment. We walked to the restaurant and we were treated with the first snowfall John or I have experienced in Beijing…so much for halting that Christmas feeling! Time to shop!

The next day we discovered a new park close to where we live. We biked to it to mainly to see the deer but instead ended up walking most of the park without seeing any deer but were not disappointed in the least…always fun to discover something regardless of why we headed there in the first place. The snow had stayed through the night so it was a pretty addition to the pictures.

This weekend was particularly full as we hosted our first Canadian visitor, JP Elliot. JP was here on business but we soon changed his tune and had him site seeing and weaving through subways. We walked around some epic sites at Tiananmen Square and took in some of the modern shops then ended up back in the hutongs for some Chinese food at a restaurant John had experienced before. A good dinner of varying tastes and some large beer and we were ready to head home. Like we have mentioned before, we are not often out late so managed to snap a few pictures at night and then realized it’s very pretty at night so promised ourselves to venture out more in the evenings.

Wendy in Beijing

Wendy has become very comfortable in China now. She ventures out at least once a week to a new site and has established a good routine with workouts, walks, shopping, volunteering at my school and more. She has made a nice friend in Adrian, the wife of the Korean couple we met.

The park above was Wendy’s second visit and my first. The park is well attended by the community and as always we were entertained by the locals.

Wendy has discovered more than just the city of Beijing. She has been able to have time to spend on painting in her spare time. She is using watercolours in these photos and of late she has ventured into paper mache.

The artist at work, painting outside at our complex on a beautiful November day. Our apartment is now covered with Wendy’s artwork. Very nice!!

Autumn In Beijing

Autumn in Beijing doesn’t disappoint. It lasts longer and there is a very gradual descent into winter. Some of the days are smoggy so it is not always better. The leaves take a little longer to change colour and also hold their colours longer. We have been taking in the beauty of fall in our last few weekends. Our visit to the art district saw glimmers of colours but last weekend we revisited Chaoyang Park and the Solana District followed by a bike ride on Sunday. Enjoy the pictures of our travels. This weekend we are hiking the Great Wall. Hopefully the day will provide nice sunlight for more of Wendy’s beautiful pictures.

Pictures from Chaoyang park, largest park in Beijing. I have been there three times now and always see new displays, roads, gardens and streams.

Now our fall walks were not always about the beautiful colours. A German restaurant did come by our travels. We ventured into to Lucky Street. A street full of international restaurants. We may have our Christmas dinner at this place. Lunch was very good!

Stay tuned for our Great Wall pictures. I will leave with a final look at beautiful Chaoyang Park and a few from our park.

Our Ventures Continue

This last weekend was quite social for Wendy and I. I reconnected with old friends from last year but this time with Wendy. We met up with Ash a great guy from the UK for dinner at the Chinese BBQ Friday night and Lisa at the 798 Art District Sunday. You often never know where your evenings will take you and after dinner on Friday Wendy retired to the apartment and Ash and I visited the Bull Bar. We met a few Koreans over a few shots of Jack Daniels. With the wine flowing I agreed to met with Bryan and his wife who live in our building complex Saturday night for supper with Wendy. We were a little hesitant to meet up but glad we did and have possibly made some new friends. Bryan and Adrian helped us with our VPN woes by introducing us to another provider from Korea. So far this new VPN has been working great.

We also made time for a walk in our park and with the change of season. It was a nice morning out.

I had been to the 798 District before but that was almost a year ago. This area was an industrial zone and has been redone with trendy shops and art galleries. We met Lisa at the subway stop Wangjing West and with Mapsme took a short walk to the Art District. A huge place that we will need to visit again. We ate at a German restaurant and it was a nice finish to the day. The tree house was a neat place that Wendy captured but we did not visit.

As the sign says it is a house built around a huge tree. The subway ride home as always was long but we had a full weekend and were tired when we got home. I worked out when I got home and Wendy stayed in the apartment for the evening. We spent some time watching tv and speaking with the boys as they were at Phil’s for a weekend. I am back at work and Monday has gone okay. Hard to believe we are heading into November this week.

Together We Seek New Adventures

Coming to China with Wendy has made all the difference. We are well settled into the apartment and the routine of daily life. I have been busy with work and Wendy has been busy getting to know the area, painting, going to the gym and doing some sightseeing on her own. We have just survived out first Canadian holiday away, “Thanksgiving”. We did okay. I am still playing at the bars but less. We are also making meals and enjoying meals out. A nice balance.

Our big adventure thus far has been our visit to Seoul Korea. It was amazing getting on a flight to a different Asian country..

Pictured here is the shoreline of Hangang River at Yeouido Park. This river divides the city and we spent many trips travelling across this river via subway. This subway is very efficient and easy to navigate.

We spent our five days going into the city each day and taking in the sites. There was lots to enjoy!

Pictured above is a demonstration during the Korean Holiday Hangul which commemorates the invention of the Korean Alphabet. Today the holiday was about marches, celebrations and speeches throughout the city. The colourful costumes seen above is the changing of the guard in front of Gwanghwamun, the main gate of Gyeongbokgung.

We were told about Korean BBQ and it did not disappoint. We had two Korean BBQ dinners.

We had a few Korean gentlemen show us the fine art of Korean BBQ and we shared a toastwith their most popular drink Soju.

Sometimes a romantic walk through the Changleungcheon stream was a favourite place of ours and we spent a couple of evenings and afternoons walking this strip.

All in all we loved Seoul and would go back next Golden Week. Who knows it just might happen.

We return to the blog

Yes it has been a long time since we have added to the blog and mostly because we were busy reuniting as a couple and with family and friends. We had a great summer at Tranquil Acres.

We especially liked the Monday to Thursday routine of hanging out and swimming and kayaking and canoeing and then visiting on the weekends when others were available. Our trailer and deck proved to be a welcome respite spot and we will be returning there next summer. We saw many people over the summer, partly because of our need to see people and because of the freedom to move around with no house responsibilities. It was a freedom that we welcomed and certainly took advantage of.

We gathered at cottages and homes this summer that we hadn’t recently been to and the climax to the summer was the fun party held for us by Phil and Kathrina as we embarked on the second year off to China together.

Summer fun has begun

Enjoyed the weekend in Toronto visiting with Nick. Managed to see Peter Hodgson, Kieran, Susan, Pat, Rebecca and Logan. All seemed in good spirits and taking life in stride. Friday evening Nick and I went up the CN Tower and enjoyed the view from high above TO until the sunset and then Saturday night we all met at Skattabush for dinner and then some of us also enjoyed seeing Whitehorse with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra at Roy Thompson Hall. Peter and I had second row seats. Closest to the front in a concert I have ever been. Loved it! Sunday Nick and I ventured over to Toronto Island. Nice to spend some time with him and see the Raptors stage being set up on the way back.

And late breaking news…the deck at the trailer is almost done! To be completed tomorrow…

Sunset over Toronto
An Evening above Toronto

The End Is Near

My first year abroad is almost complete. I have a few responsibilities typical of a High School and then I will be on my way home July 1st. The only new experience to report is I am a musician at a local bar. Bull Bar is located within my apartment complex and I asked if they would be okay if I play a few songs from time to time. Wendy and I have visited this place once or twice so I am thrilled she knows the location and atmosphere. This was of course her idea. Sometimes you need to put yourself out there and I am glad I did. So I arrived with a set list and I guess I am good enough to stay on. My drinks and food are complimentary which is a nice treat.

I play my usual set of songs and have added a few others. This new experience has done well to push me through these final stages of my first year. I have played four evenings and plan to go back this coming Friday. They are happy to have me hoping my English songs will bring in foreign customers. We shall see!

I took my show on the road to another classier pub. Y-Craft Brewery is a pub Wendy and I went to for our Anniversary dinner. Better establishment but the pay is the same. Beer and food! You can see our apartment building in the background.

June in Ontario

So today is the day that the weather will change supposedly. We have been putting up with very chilly weather for May and June. Furnaces are kicking on and people are still wearing their fall clothing as if we are starting a new school year as opposed to ending one. School trips and track meets have started and we are winding down and playing outside more often and going for nature walks. Our school is still under major construction as they now work on the daycare and parking lot. Patience is a virtue that has been tested this year for sure at our school.

Personally I have not changed my routine much but have started to walk more and bike more due to the bike challenge I have taken up. Admittedly I haven’t done many kilometers but will kick it up a notch when the 20 degree weather is really here. Walking in Carleton Place along the water has become a ritual and my new development is moving the trailer to Tranquil Acres on the Mississippi across from Glen Isle where I grew up. I am looking forward to kayaking around the area and biking to town for supplies. We are really scaling down come July 8th.

The view of our very wet back yard
Finally a sunny day
Spring on the front porch

Our Path Separates

My life has returned to an endless series of wechats and other forms of social media platforms. Wendy has been home for over two weeks and I am back to my solitary routine. Our latest venture we have undertaken, even though we are worlds apart, is a bike riding challenge that Wendy succeeded in last year and I am participating in this year. Wendy’s challenge is to bike 200 KM in June for cancer. Many friends and relatives have already donated to this cause. Thank you. My part is to do the same in China. Nice to be biking with a purpose and think of Wendy as I tour around the trails. Some of the beauty I encounter with my rides.

The flowers never cease to amaze me. The biking trails are endless and are lined with beautiful flowers, shrubs and trees. The local kids are also awe struck by the flowers.